More safety for food and humans

So far it has been resigned for safety- and lean-identification in the field of production. The cause has been prescriptions of food safety. Therefore a significant number of working accidents in this field of industry has been the result. Due to the development of labels called ToughWash of our distributor Brady a identifiaction solution is available, with which the safety of food and employees can be improved a lot.

Identification in the field of production has been avoided so far, to guarnatee the safety of food - aggressive purification processes made the application of labels nearly impossible. ToughWash Labels of our partner Brady offer the best solution: The labels are cleaning durable and due to their metal recognition they are suitbale for an optimal visual lean- and safetyidentification.

Safety at the workplace
Especially in the field of food industry a unique and demonstrative safety identification to minimize the danger of injury is very important: Slippery floor, contact with chemicals, crushing zones, cleaning procedures and the service of industrial machines. With the new ToughWash safety identification dangers in the field of production can be labeled without endangering the food safety.

Continued imrpovements
Visual safety identification with ToughWash products in the fields of production offer employees a clear instruction and therefore give an explicit operating procedure. With ToughWash visual working places can be designed, which enable consequent and efficient working procedures.

