The automotive industry has become one of the most important sectors of industry world- as well as nationwide.
So that the rising demand of high-quality automotives can be served contemporary, the quality high-class mass production within production is indispensable. Enclosed to these production flows are all suppliers which have to fulfil the same qualitative standards.
The automotive industry therefore is characterised by a perfectly balanced cooperation of producers and suppliers and their just-in-time production. That requires a perfect production planning, an ideal storage, as well as an optimal quality insurance.
The advantages, which can be achieved by the application of identification solutions, can be seen especially within the fields of automation, traceability and product protection as well as cost- and time savings due to efficient storage. Furthermore the error rate can be reduced nearly to zero with the application of RFID- and barcode solutions.
As systemprovider DYNAMIC Systems not only offers hard- and software components, but also provides adapted, extensive and customized identification solutions for the needs of the automotive sector