
Material charateristics
One of the main reasons for the application of labels made of paper are low material costs and a huge variety of different colours and shapes. In the field of label production mainly wood-free paper is used, which consists primarly of vegetal cellulose.

Advantages of wood-free materials are:

  • Age-resistant, because it doesn´t become yellow so quickly
  • Higher, better quality

In general it can be differentiated between coated and uncoated paper.
Coated paper: Finishing of the surface with binder application which ensures, that the material gets a smoother surface and therefore achieves a optimal colour intensity and label print quality.
Uncoated paper: Most of the time natural paper, that also provides good results

Versatile applicable, e.g. logistics, industry and packaging. Not suitable for outdoor.

Temperature range
Depending on paper quality, typically resistant up to 80°C.

Low resistance

Printing process
Paper labels are printable in nearly all ways, e.g. laser- and inkjetprinter up tup thermal transfer print. For printing simple wax- or wax-resin ribbons are suitable.
