Clear arrangement on the spot

To mark wires and cables neat and quick or to identify them with an according inscription is not only a question of clear arrangement but also elementary for safety.
Therefore criterias like resistance against chemicals and extreme temperature- and weather conditions are often relevant.

Cable marker - self-laminating
These extreme high-quality, self-laminating and resistant cable markers are light- and age-resistant as well as immune to external influences like dirt, humidity or cleaning supplies. Therefore cable markers are suitable for applications in- and outside for permanent identification of cables, lines, pipes, sleeves, electric tools and components, machines, constructions and so on.
The labels base on a transparent vinyl-film, are partial deposited white and are printable with thermal transfer. When they are wrapped around the cable, the excessive label material simultaneously serves as protection lamination. Due to its performing acrylat adhesive, the cable marker is permanently adhesive in temperatures from -30°C up to +90°C.

 DS-Nr.  Material  Topcoat  Temperature
 Printability  Application  Special features
 DE-F809  PVC

 partial matte-white
 coated title block

 -30°C up to
 Cable marker
 for in-and out-side
 Resistant; light- and
 age resistant; insensable
 against exterior influences
 B-361  Polyester  transparent-glossy  -70°C up to
 B-427  PVC  transparent-matte;
 partial white or
 yellow title block
 -40°C up to
 Resistant; light- and age
 resistant against external
 influences; UL-certified


Cable marker - banneret label
The banneret label, mostly white, supply polypropylene, has especially been developed for thinner cables and is applicable for the challenging field of automotive in particular.
In consequence of its consistence it is very resistant against environmental influences and due to its high performing adhesive it is excellent in heat resistance.

 DS-Nr.  Material  Topcoat  Temperature
 Printability  Application  Special features
 DE-F379  Polypropylene  white
 -30°C up to
 Cable marker as
 for in- and outside
 DE-F455  Polyester  white
 -40°C up to
 Extra thin for high
 temperature applications
 B-425  Polypropylene  matte
 -70°C up to
 B-499  Nylon mesh  matte
 -40°C up to


Shrink sleeves
When cables and wires must be labelled in the field of organic liquids and conventional fuels, greases and solvents, shrink sleeves are appropriate.
They are resistant, diesel resistant, flame-retarding and have little outgassing. Thanks to their shrink proportion from 2:1 resp. 3:1 they offer the perfect shape without slipping and are a perfect isolation and cable protection. Shrink sleeve materials can be printed one- or double sided with thermal transfer without fading.


 DS-Nr.  Material  Topcoat  Temperature
 Printability  Application  Special features
 B-345  HAT PVDF  multi-
 -70°C up to
 Shrink sleeves for the
 identification of cables
 and wires in the field
 of organic liquids as
 well as common fuel,
 grease and solvents
 Durable, non slipping;
 function as cable
 protection; shrink
 relation 2:1
 B-7642  Polyolefin  white,
 -40°C up to
 B-7641  Polyolefin  multi-coloured
 -70°C up to
 B-7646  Polyolefin  yellow  -55°C up to
 Durbale, non slipping;
 function as cable
 protection; shrink
 relation 3:1
 B-342  Polyolefin  multi-coloured  -70°C up to


Wire marking - more identification possibilities
For a simple, neat and quick marking of wires DYNAMIC Systems offers a huge product portfolio of several wire- and cable markers, e.g.:

  • Wire marker on cards, miniature- and micro-wire-marker
  • Partly self-laminating and printable wire- and cable-marker
  • Tags & insert type signs


Choice of the right identification - We are happy to advise you for your individual complete solution!
To develop the correct identification solution for you, the following questions should be answered in advance:

  • Will the cable / the wire be marked before or after the connection / the installation?
  • Which size / which coverage has the marked cable?
  • Do you want to print on your own or do you need already printed identification material?
  • Under which environmental conditions will the identification labels be applied?