Safety solutions

The right label for sure

DYNAMIC Systems offers a variety of standard- and customer specific identification solutions of its partner Brady, which especially cover the demand of product safety.

Due to the use of these labels unnecessary payments in the fields of guarantee frauds, product falsifications, product manipulations, wrong product handling and resource burglary can be avoid.

Water contact indication
With the label AquAlert it can be proved, whether water ingressed. Therefore guarantee demands can be controlled or the evidence of manipulation can be proved.

Label exchange
The special material of these labels shows, whether the used label has already been removed from the product and has been replaced again.


Guarantee seal
This seal destroys itself, when it is removed from the object. These Labels are used, to recognize product misuse, by covering a screw hole.


Tracing of capital assets
Here Labels can be used, which as hard to remove. A simple replacement of the label is not possible. Therefore these Labels are especially suitable for the identification of capital assets.


Control of distributive channels
In this field self-destroying Labels can be applied. The evidence, whether an object already has been labelled is clearly.


Package seal
The application field of this seal especially concerns the closure of packages. When the Labels has been damaged or cut, it is clearly that the package already has been opened.

Protection measure for incorrect handling
Therefore Labels can be used. which seal a Special part of a product to quench customers to repair the product by themself.


Freight control
In freight control the doors of containers are sealed for example. When the label has been removed or damaged, it can be proved that the door of the container already has been opened.

Safety solutions